nuria recepcion los jameos

Interview with Nuria Guerra

Apr 13, 2023

Nuria Guerra, Head of Reception at Seaside Los Jameos:

“The Seaside Collection group is a big family in which we all work together”  

Nuria Guerra Deniz is 48 years old and was born on Lanzarote. Currently as Head of Reception, she has been working more than two decades for Seaside Los Jameos, the hotel where she has developed her professional career. 

Due to her position, she is the friendly face who greets and dismisses guests and is available for any question. Her relationship with them is therefore very close, even so close that many guests remember her birthday and congratulate her in person or by phone.  


So many years, so many anecdotes, that during this time there has been no lack of customers who have forgotten the day of their return and missed their plane. This can only happen in a hotel like Los Jameos, where the team is like a big family and where every guest also becomes part of this family. 

“Customers come, among other things, because of the staff. Because we treat them differently here, in a special way. We do everything we can for their benefit. We don´t have just one task. We are ready for everything the customer asks for. We always try, and if we don´t succeed, we look for an alternative”, Nuria Guerra confesses. 

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Life in Los Jameos

The hotel. The facilities. The food. The sea. The island. Everything has a meaning and a reason for Nuria. It's all part of the charm of Los Jameos, which keeps guests coming back time and time again. No secrets. Just a deep-rooted team spirit. "Seaside is a big family. We have known each other for a long time and we all row in the same direction” explains Nuria Guerra.

But if she had to single out one special place at the hotel, it would be the extensive gardens. Born in Lanzarote, Nuria explains what it is like to live in Los Jameos, and its contrast with the rest of the island: "The gardens are beautiful, full of lush vegetation. It doesn’t feel like you’re on the island”, she explains. And then she adds: “I’m from Lanzarote and I’m used to seeing the dry, barren land. But every time I enter the hotel, it feels like I’m in a small oasis. It’s as if it was not part of the island”.


